Specialist Automotive Engineering Services for the Motor Insurance Industry
- Arbitration
- Engineer Auditing
- Work Provider Auditing
- Repairer Auditing
- Individual Repair Auditing
- Fraud Investigation
Computerised Estimating
In any audit or dispute, if a computerised estimating system was used we are conversant with it.
Auditing is a necessary process in dealing with any financial process. At Lidfords we aim to ensure that claim costs and service levels are controlled to an acceptable standard. Audits can be complete or based on specific headings.
When engineers are audited items such as Total Loss Values, Repair Costs, Suitability for repair, repairer capability, time in contacting the claimant, time taken to inspect, time taken to report and quality of report information are all included.
Work Provider Auditing includes all of the above where in house inspections take place and adds repairer collection times, recovery and storage charges incurred, communication levels, total loss settlement times and salvage removal periods.
Repairer Auditing can include checking quantum on estimates against images, physical inspection against estimate, purchase invoice against parts invoiced, spot checks on repairs in progress, customer service, service level achievements and individual post repair inspections.